Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My first football shoot

I had the privilege to shoot my first football game while I was at the University of Georgia last weekend... the first time I got to really test out my 70-200mm f/2.8 lens.

Overall, I had a great time, despite Central Michigan losing 56-17. I had to run back and forth from the press box to the field about three or four times, because I was reporting AND shooting, but even through that hectic mess, I felt like I took some good photos for a first time through. Although being a newbie at this whole photography thing, I know these aren't mind-blowing. Some of these photos are a little off-focus in critical areas.

But you know what? Practice makes perfect, and I would greatly encourage any feedback from you photo nuts on maybe what I can do the next time I shoot football or any sport, for that matter. Any photo tips, in general? Thanks a bunch, in advance, and I hope you enjoy these.